A FITNESS lady has revealed her secret for a perfectly rounded booty.

A FITNESS lady has revealed her secret for a perfectly rounded booty.

It has resulted in fans rushing to grab their own weights gathering dust in an attempt to have a behind like hers.

TikToker Linda has revealed her secret for the perfect booty

She said you will see results in two weeks

Her claims that they will see the benefits in a matter of weeks have also caught their attention.

This gym fan insists it will require some effort, including putting in the hours and breaking a sweat.

Her platform is where she shares her lessons learned from many hours of pumping iron at the gym.

Even more extraordinary for this lady is that she manages to fit her workouts around her professional life.

She explained on her platform: "Nurse by day and gym by night.”
In her post, she shared her little piece of magic that could lead to a perfect behind.
Linda is a living advertisement for her workout routine.
With over 166,000 likes to her video, a lot of people covet a booty like hers.
She looked the part in her post, wearing light blue leggings and a white crop top.
Using a weight, she demonstrated her booty-cise.
“My booty secret, results in two weeks," was captioned across the screen.
Then continued with: “How I grew my booty”
Comments were a mixture of awe and admiration.
“Wow, body goals," was the simple response of one fan.
“Running to grab my weights out of my garage," admitted this follower. "Thank you, babe.”
Finally, she inspired many with her post, including this woman: “Motivation, thank you.”