Girls with big butt

A GYM girl has revealed her secret to transforming her glutes in the gym in only one year.

On social media, she shared the three glute exercises she said she'll never skip.

A woman has shared her three core glute exercises

Sarah (@liftwsarah) is a Scottish 20-year-old woman dedicated to helping people get massive body gains through the gym.

On her TikTok account, she showed her followers how she completely transformed her glutes in just one year.

"Realistic one year transformation," she wrote in her video.

Wearing gray camo biker shorts she revealed what her glutes looked like before her epic transformation.

She then cut to a clip of her in red biker shorts where she showed off her amazing gains.

Her glutes looked way more defined and bigger.

"Realistic one-year glute transformation!! If I can do it so can you girlies," she wrote in her caption.

Sarah's three core exercises to build her glutes included glute-biased RDLs which she tries to ensure she feels in her glutes, along with kas glute bridges, and reverse lunges.

People left Sarah compliments on her video where she showed her one-year transformation.

"Okay, but I love the spicy red shorts on you," one person wrote.

"Such a good transformation," a second person said.

"Sheeeeesh," added a third.

In the clip where she performed her three core exercises, people were just as mesmerized.

"My fave muscle mommy," one wrote.

WHEN it comes to fitness, nobody can escape the harsh reality of cardio, no matter how much time they log in the weight room.

One fitness influencer documented her workout and the cardio routine left viewers "shaking."

Professional trainer Bella Knuth (@bellaanya) is a "holistic gym gal" who logs lots of time at her local fitness center.

In one video, the five-foot-eleven-inch influencer recorded herself on a "cardio and core day."

Knuth said she has a "love/hate relationship" with the grueling workout she's developed for herself.

"Abs are built in the kitchen, but they're always good to strengthen for your other lifts," she said as an introduction.

Fist, Knuth kicked off her cardio: 10 minutes of sprints on the treadmill, followed by a 10-minute incline walk.

Then, she grabbed some weights and headed to a mat to work her core.

She worked up a sweat with a dumbbell march, shoulder presses, and several floor exercises meant to strengthen her core.

The fit gym girl didn't make things easier on herself, even at the grand finale.

"I ended this workout with two one-minute planks," she said. Her followers were astounded by the relentless routine.

"I don't know how you do it, girl," wrote one fan. "Keep it up though!"

Others said they related to Knuth's reluctance around core workouts.

"I have self-discipline for everything else, but not when it comes to core," a fellow fitness fan confessed.

"I tried this today and it kicked my a**," said another.

A different woman said, "Just did this workout at home and it had me shaking."

Only one hero mastered the workout without feeling exhausted. "I just did this and I feel amazing," the viewer reported in.